More Vacation Ideas for You and Your Partner
by Avery Chokl
I hope you already checked some of the tips for a great vacation we’ve presented recently, and maybe even tried some of them. Here are some more ideas and tips which will make your vacation an unforgettable one. If you haven’t read part I, you can check it here.
16. On vacation is the worst time to let out an unpleasant surprise. Make sure you both know any dark secrets well in advance. Don’t want to mess something up.
17. Id you don’t know how to swim, let them know but perhaps try to learn as well. Shows devotion, truth and honesty all in one!
18. If you like to drink, make sure you don’t drink too much on vacation, it leads to arguments, fights and nothing you want.
19. Don’t even think about flirting or checking out other people when on vacation with your partner, if you do I hope they slap you!
20. Always do things together, and teach each other new things.
21. Give each other some space though, yeah its the first vacation together, yeah you love each other but space is still needed, you need it too.
22. Talk!
23. Pick the romantic looking places to eat and dine. But if needed, compromise!
24. De-selfish yourself. There is no room or space to be selfish.
25. Stay humorous and open minded. Being jealous or even possessive isn’t good.
26. Relax and entertain your partner. No home or life worries here!
27. Don’t even think about going places when your partner is tired, spend that time to cuddle and relax together.
28. No matter what happens on the trip, you will both display hidden traits that you didn’t know about each other. Take it as part of the experience.
29. Only do things that you can both afford. Don’t put each other at a financial risk ever. Money problems are bad. And don’t nag each other to spend more then they got.
30. I’m not telling you to do so, but if it feels like the right thing, pay for the trip in advance yourself.
31. But if it also feels right, split it.
32. Remember the vacation is meant to spend time together and get to know each other even better. Remember that on your trip.
33. Don’t start criticizing on how much your female partner may bring with her on the trip, if she wants to bring hundreds of clothes, let her. It’s fine.
34. your first vacation together is not your honeymoon, keep that in mind, you can vacation before that.
35. Don’t let things get out of hand or worry you too much, its a vacation!
36. Lastly, it is as much your responsibility as it is as much as theirs to make sure that you and your partner has so much fun that it is the perfect holiday and vacation it can possibly be. So don’t blame each other for things, don’t get mad or anything. Have a great time.
Good luck everyone and have a great time!